We will never know the real answer, before you try

Selasa, 12 November 2013

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            What is football ? Football is a sport that uses a ball that is played by two teams , each consisting of 11 ( eleven ) persons. Entering the 21st century , this sport has been played by over 250 million ( two hundred and fifty million ) people in the 200 ( two hundred ) countries , making it the most popular sport in the world . Football aims to score goals by using the ball into the opposing goal . Football is played on the field at the top of the grass .
            In general , only goalkeeper who touches the ball with his hands inside the goal area , while ten (10 ) players are allowed to use the entire body except the hands . The team that scored the most goals at the end of the game is the winner . Championship football is famous in the world will be held as ,(
look at this picture ) EURO 2016 in France , african cup 2015 in Morocco , AFC Asian Cup 2015 in australia , Copa America 2015 in chile and the last World Cup in 2016 in Brazil .


  Lions are wild animals that eat meat. It means that lions are carnivores. Lions are magnificent animals that appear as a symbol of power, courage and nobility and national flags in many civilizations. Wild lions currently exist in Africa and in Asia with a critically endangered remnant population.
   Lions live for ten to fourteen years in the wild, while in captivity they can live longer than twenty years. In the wild, males seldom live longer than ten years, as injuries sustained from continual fighting with rival males greatly reduce their longevity. They typically inhabit savanna and grassland, although they may take to bush and forest.
Lions are unusually social compared to other cats. A pride of lions consists of related females and offspring and a small number of adult males. Groups of female lions typically hunt together, praying mostly on large ungulates, such as Zebras, Deers, and Buffalos. Lions are apex and keystone predators.
    Visually, the male lion is highly distinctive and is easily recognized by its mane. Mature male lions are unique among the cat species for the thick mane of brown or black hair encircling the head and neck. Both male and female lions roar, a sound which can be heard as far as 8 kilometers away. However, Male lions are bigger than female lions.

Singa adalah binatang liar yang makan daging. Ini berarti bahwa singa adalah karnivora. Singa adalah binatang megah yang muncul sebagai simbol kekuasaan, keberanian dan bangsawan dan bendera nasional di banyak peradaban. Singa liar saat ini ada di Afrika dan di Asia dengan sisa populasi terancam punah.
                Lions hidup selama 10-14 tahun di alam liar, sedangkan di penangkaran mereka dapat hidup lebih lama dari dua puluh tahun. Di alam liar, laki-laki jarang hidup lebih lama dari sepuluh tahun, karena luka yang diderita dari pertempuran terus-menerus dengan laki-laki saingan sangat mengurangi umur panjang mereka. Mereka biasanya menghuni savana dan padang rumput, meskipun mereka mungkin diperlukan untuk semak dan hutan.
                Singa adalah luar biasa sosial dibandingkan dengan kucing lain. Sebuah kebanggaan singa terdiri dari perempuan terkait dan keturunan dan sejumlah kecil pria dewasa. Kelompok singa betina biasanya berburu bersama-sama, berdoa terutama pada ungulates besar, seperti Zebra, Deers, dan kerbau. Singa adalah predator puncak dan keystone.
Secara visual, singa jantan sangat khas dan mudah dikenali oleh surai. Singa jantan dewasa adalah unik di antara spesies kucing untuk surai tebal rambut cokelat atau hitam yang melingkari kepala dan leher. Kedua pria dan wanita singa mengaum, suara yang dapat didengar sejauh 8 kilometer jauhnya. Namun, singa jantan adalah lebih besar dari singa betina.

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