We will never know the real answer, before you try

Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

Cerita Singa & Tikus ( Indonesia & Inggris )

Singa dan Tikus
Sebuah kecil tikus merangkak naik ke singa tidur. Mouse mengagumi telinga singa, kumis panjang dan surai yang besar.
"Karena dia tidur," pikir mouse, "dia tidak akan pernah menduga aku di sini!"
Dengan itu, tikus kecil naik ke ekor singa, berlari di belakangnya, meluncur turun kakinya dan melompat dari cakarnya. Singa terbangun dan cepat menangkap tikus antara cakarnya.
"Silakan," kata mouse, "biarkan aku pergi dan aku akan kembali dan membantu Anda suatu hari nanti."
Singa tertawa, "Kau begitu kecil! Bagaimana pernah bisa membantu saya?"
Singa tertawa begitu keras ia harus menahan perutnya! Mouse melompat menuju kebebasan dan berlari sampai ia jauh, jauh.
Keesokan harinya, dua pemburu datang ke hutan. Mereka pergi ke sarang singa. Mereka menetapkan jerat tali besar. Ketika singa pulang malam itu, ia melangkah ke dalam perangkap.
Dia meraung! Dia menangis! Tapi ia tidak bisa membebaskan diri.
Tikus mendengar auman menyedihkan singa dan kembali untuk membantu dia.
Tikus menatap perangkap dan melihat satu tali tebal yang diselenggarakan bersama-sama. Dia mulai menggigit dan menggigit sampai tali itu putus. Singa itu mampu melepaskan tali lain yang memegang erat-erat. Dia berdiri bebas lagi!
Singa beralih ke mouse dan berkata, "Dear teman, saya bodoh mengejek Anda untuk menjadi kecil. Anda membantu saya dengan menyelamatkan hidup saya setelah semua!"

The Lion and the Mouse

A small mouse crept up to a sleeping lion. The mouse admired the lion's ears, his long whiskers and his great mane.
"Since he's sleeping," thought the mouse, "he'll never suspect I'm here!"
With that, the little mouse climbed up onto the lion's tail, ran across its back, slid down its leg and jumped off of its paw. The lion awoke and quickly caught the mouse between its claws.
"Please," said the mouse, "let me go and I'll come back and help you someday."
The lion laughed, "You are so small! How could ever help me?"
The lion laughed so hard he had to hold his belly! The mouse jumped to freedom and ran until she was far, far away.
The next day, two hunters came to the jungle. They went to the lion's lair. They set a huge rope snare. When the lion came home that night, he stepped into the trap.
He roared! He wept! But he couldn't pull himself free.
The mouse heard the lion's pitiful roar and came back to help him.
The mouse eyed the trap and noticed the one thick rope that held it together. She began nibbling and nibbling until the rope broke. The lion was able to shake off the other ropes that held him tight. He stood up free again!
The lion turned to the mouse and said, "Dear friend, I was foolish to ridicule you for being small. You helped me by saving my life after all!"

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